How to frame your growth for maximum effect
Apply this framework to your pitch
Module: Traction
1. Traction 101: the three best stories to tell VCs 2. Fake traction and how to avoid it The three core narratives 3. How to frame your growth for maximum effect 09:36
4. Getting VCs to believe customers love your product 5. How to prove you can acquire customers for sales driven businesses 6. How to prove you can acquire customers for marketing driven businesses 7. Traction for DeepTech businesses 8. How to show traction when you're pre launch How to frame your growth for maximum effect
Apply this framework to your pitch
Module: Traction
1. Traction 101: the three best stories to tell VCs 2. Fake traction and how to avoid it The three core narratives 3. How to frame your growth for maximum effect 09:36
4. Getting VCs to believe customers love your product 5. How to prove you can acquire customers for sales driven businesses 6. How to prove you can acquire customers for marketing driven businesses 7. Traction for DeepTech businesses 8. How to show traction when you're pre launch Lessons from other modules
Lessons from other modules
How to convince VCs your team has the skills it needs (BioScape)
Founder Performance: 8/10 B2B
How to impress investors with the places your team worked at before (BioScape)
Founder Performance: 6/10 B2B
A two-part structure for presenting your competitive advantage (HireBot)
Founder Performance: 4/10